Long Branch Middle School
8th Grade Science
Teacher: Mrs. Candice Bidner
Contact Information
E-mail: cbidner@longbranch.k12.nj.us
Course Description
In this course students will explore various strands of science required by the State of New Jersey. Students will learn about various topics in life science. Students enrolled in this class will have a solid understanding of the concepts, skills, and procedures required to be successful in future science classes.
8th Grade Science Unit Outline:
Marking Period 1:
Unit 1: World Scientists, Living Non Living, Cell Theory, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, Levels of Organization
Marking Period 2:
Unit 2: Cells and The Human Body
Marking Period 3:
Unit 3: Chemical Reactions and Energy
Marking Period 4:
Unit 4: Ecosystems
Unit 5: Evolution
Class Expectations
- Students will take ownership of their learning and actively participate in learning opportunities.
- Students will be prepared for class by having all necessary materials and assignments completed.
- Students will have a positive attitude towards learning.
- The classroom culture will provide learning experiences that engage all students.
- Students will follow all necessary lab procedures and always follow appropriate lab safety rules.
- Everyone will show respect for everyone else and their property.
- The school-wide discipline policy will be followed in the classroom.
Required Materials and Supplies
- Pencil or Pen
- Notebook or lose leaf paper
- A floder can be used to house all classwork and materials
Additional Materials and Supplies for lab reports and projects
- crayons
- glue
- markers
- additional arts and crafts supplies
Students will be given a summative assessment at the end of each unit. In addition, students can also expect to have at least two formal lab reports per marking period as well as written short constructed responses also known as CER (Claim Evidence Reasoning). There are also creative assignments (which are also summative assessments called alternative assessments) that will be completed at home which showcase the students’ knowledge on a topic.
Late Work Policy:
All work can be handed in late. All work can also be redone and resubmitted for more credit. Points will be taken off for late work but all work will be accepted.
Other Helpful Information:
Participation- Students are expected to participate on a daily basis. Everyone’s thoughts, ideas, questions and opinions are valued and therefore should be shared. During class it is important and necessary for you to participate and work cooperatively with your group. Participation includes voicing thoughts and questions during class, working with lab partners, taking appropriate notes, researching information and completing necessary assignments.
Student Lab Safety Contract- A permission slip of a safety agreement will be sent home and must be signed for students to participate in any lab activity.
Extra Help/Tutoring- Extra help is available by appointment only. I am also available during lunch.
Academic Dishonesty- Copying and cheating are detrimental to learning. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Parents will be notified and consequences will be given based on individual situations.
Parent Resources- Parents will be able to stay connected to the class via the following options.
- Class website: https://www.longbranch.k12.nj.us/Domain/750
This is an easy way to track down assignments, if they happen to go missing. You will also have access to my notes, review games, study guides, and the weekly agenda.