• Photo of the front of the Middle School The Leadership Academy provides the opportunity for students to develop the skills necessary to become leaders within a community, whether it is a community of their peers or adults.  The community features integrated learning experiences that incorporate character education, communication skills, problem solving, and community service. 

    The communication strand focuses on teaching students to communicate their ideas in written, oral, and electronic form. This will be done by providing cross content learning experiences. Students make use of various forms of technology including the school broadcasting studio, performing arts center, and computer lab to complete mini projects throughout the marking period. 

    The community strand focuses on how a productive community functions, the roles of its members, and the responsibility of its leaders. Students understand the importance of community service and of building strong relationships within the school community, and how to network with community organizations to achieve school goals. They also participate in various service learning projects with local community organizations that further their knowledge of community and their roles as future leaders.

    The character education strand focuses on teaching students the traits necessary to become effective leaders. A school-wide character education theme is taught each month. Students work as a team to develop character education goals and activities to emphasize these goals throughout the school community.

    At the end of each year, students participate in a culminating activity which require them to use all the skills they have learned in each strand of the Leadership Academy.  Students are required to work in teams to develop a solution to a real-life situation in our local community. Once they have completed their work, they prepare a presentation to the school’s leadership panel with the intent of offering a viable solution. All viable solutions are then presented to local officials for review.

    The uniformity of dress policy was adopted during the 2004-2005 school year. All preschool through grade 12 students are to wear khakis with green, white, or gray tops.