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8th Grade ELA
8th grade is an exciting year! This year, our goal is to prepare students for high school and beyond. In this class, we will be reading and analyzing both fiction and informational texts from a variety of different genres. We will also be focusing on increasing our writing skills for multiple purposes. All lessons will connect to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for English Language Arts. Click here for more information. 8th Grade NJ Standards for ELA
Classwork and homework will be completed online through Google classroom. All class codes are listed below. Students also have access to an online textbook (Into Literature) available through their classlink account.
ELA 8 Block B - Campbell
Class Code: 3fru5ry
ELA 8 Block C8 - Campbell
Class Code: qzq7y37
ELA 8 Block D - Campbell
Class Code: x4cxu3k

About Me:
This year will be my fifteenth year teaching at Long Branch Middle School. I graduated from Rutgers University with a bachelors degree in English. I then continued my education at Monmouth University where I received a Masters in Teaching (Secondary English) and a Masters in Education with a focus on curriculum and instruction.

Contact Information:
Email: mcampbell@longbranch.k12.nj.us
Phone: 732-229-5533