• 8th Grade Math   

    Welcome to My Online Classroom!

    Name: Ms. Chelsea James

    School: Long Branch Middle School

    Class/Grade: 7th Grade Math / Algebra I

    Email: cjames@longbranch.k12.nj.us



    The three class periods where I will be teaching are:

    Block A (7th Grade Math): 8:13 - 9:28

    Block C (Algebra 1): 12:10 - 1:25 

    Block D (Algebra 1): 1:28 - 2:43

    For the most up-to-date information and assignments, students can go to their Google Classroom site where announcements are made and where notes/assignments are posted.  



    Below you will find the Remind 101 codes for each of my classes. This is the best way I can communicate with you outside of the classroom. You may download the Remind app and connect directly to our class for daily reminders and to ask questions.

    Block A Class: 7th Grade Math

    • Remind Passcode:

      • @james2047A

     Block C Class 

    • Remind Passcode: 

      • @james2047C

     Block D Class

    • Remind Passcode:

      • @james2047D