Hi Stars,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year and your Algebra 1 team! This year will be filled with hard work, collaborative learning, accountability, responsibility, consistency, discipline, growth and, most importantly, fun! I am looking forward to meeting you all and learning from you as you support me in becoming a better teacher through your feedback and your own way of seeing mathematics! You are all stars unique in your own way and I can't wait to see you shine!
Mrs. Agozzino
Algebra 1
room 428


Team Schedules:
Team A1:
Team A3:
Team A4:
Team B1:
Team B2:
Team B4:

Monday & Thursdays: 2:00-2:25 PM
If, at any time, the above SAP days are a challenge to meet, as a team we will develop a plan for you to complete/submit work and receive support! Communication is key!

Important Dates:
- 1/8 & 1/9 Midterm
- 1/20 School Closed
- 1/21-1/24 Benchmark B
- 1/29 End of marking period 2
- 1/31 Half day
- 2/6 Parent/Teacher conference