Tara Cooper
Health & Physical Education / Drivers Education
email: tcooper@longbranch.k12.nj.us
ext: x 41894
Office Hours: by appointment
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Join my REMIND: https://www.remind.com/join/d64d43
Tara Cooper Back to School Night 2024:
Please Fill Out the Contact Information for Your Child :)
2024-2025 School Year Schedule:
1A- 10th Gr/Drivers Ed
1A: Classroom Code: 62fqmx4
1B- 10th Grade/Drivers Ed.
1B: Google Classroom Code: evkfgy3
2S1- 10th Grade/Drivers Ed.
2S1: Google Classroom Code: qf7hp5n
3S1- 10th Grade/Drivers Education
3S1: Google Classroom Code: 3h52cn5
4A- 10th Grade/Drivers Ed.
4A: Google Classroom Code: kg2ciy5
4B- Teen PEP
4B: Google Classroom Code: TBD