Unit 1 –The Global Tapestry 1200-1450
Topic 1.1 - Developments in East Asia
Topic 1.2 - Developments in Dar al-Islam
Video: KJ Vids - Ibn Battuta - YouTube
PowerPoint: Abbasid Caliphate - PowerPoint
Video: National Geographic - Monotheism - YouTube
Topic 1.3 - Developments in South and Southeast Asia
PowerPoint: Foundations of Indian Civilization (1500BC-1200CE) - PowerPoint
Video: Crash Course World History #6 - Buddha & Ashoka - YouTube
Topic 1.4 - State Building in the Americas
Video: Engineering An Empire - How the Aztecs Changed the World - YouTube
Topic 1.5 - State Building in Africa
Topic 1.6 - Developments in Europe
Website: Ancient History Encyclopedia "Medieval Guilds" - Web Link
Website: Thought Co. "14 Medieval Guilds That You Never Knew Existed" - Web Link
Topic 1.7 - Comparisons, 1200-1450 / Unit 1 Review
PowerPoint: Unit 1 Barratt B-Ball Trivia Review Game - PowerPoint
Unit 2 –Networks of Exchange, 1200-1450
Topic 2.1 - The Silk Roads
Topic 2.2 - The Mongol Empire & the Making of the Modern World
Website: Asia For Educators - The Mongols in World History - Web Link
Video: TED-Ed - The Rise and Fall of the Mongol Empire - YouTube
Video: TED-Ed - History vs. Genghis Khan - YouTube
Topic 2.3 - The Indian Ocean Trade Network
Website: Thought Co. - Indian Ocean Trade Routes - Web Link
Unit 3 –Empires Expand, 1450-1750
Topic 3.1 - Land-Based Empires
Video: Epimetheus - Tamerlane & the History of the Timurid Empire - YouTube
Video: Now This World - The Rise of the Ottoman Empire - YouTube
Video: KJ Vids - Rise of Muslims - The Mughal Empire - YouTube
Topic 3.2 - Empires: Administration
Topic 3.3 - Empires: Belief Systems
Video: History Channel - The Protestant Reformation - YouTube
Unit 4 - Transoceanic Connections, 1450-1750
Topic 4.4 - Maritime Empires Link Regions
Video: Tokugawa Japan Isolation - YouTube
Video: Spanish Silver - YouTube
Video: Ted-Ed - The Atlantic Slave Trade - YouTube
Video: History Channel - Life Aboard a Slave Ship - YouTube
Unit 5 - Revolutions, 1750-1900
Unit 6 - Consequences of Industrialization, 1750-1900
Topic 6.3 - Indigenous Responses to State Expansion
Video: Discovery Education - European Imperialism in Africa - YouTube
Unit 7 - Global Conflict, 1900-Present
Topic 7.1 - Shifting Power
PowerPoint: The Mexican Revolution - PowerPoint
PowerPoint: The Russian Revolution - PowerPoint
Topic 7.2/7.3 - Causes & Effects of World War I
Video: Assassination of Franz Ferdinand - YouTube
Video: All Quiet on the Western Front (1979) - YouTube
Topic 7.4 - Economy in the Interwar Years (Great Depression)
Video: Now This - What is Facism? - YouTube
Video: TED-Ed - How Did Hitler Rise To Power? - YouTube
Topic 7.6/7.7 - Causes & Effects of World War II
Video: Benito Mussolini Speech - YouTube
Video: Adolf Hitler Speech - YouTube
Video: Weaponology - Blitzkrieg - YouTube
Video: The Munich Conference - YouTube
Video: History.com - Siege of Leningrad - YouTube
Video: Simple History - Battle of Stalingrad - YouTube
Video: History Channel - Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor For Oil? - YouTube
Video: Simple History - D-Day - YouTube
Video: Saving Private Ryan - D-Day Scene - YouTube