Welcome to Kindergarten!
Bien Venidos A Kindergarten!
Let's all celebrate a new and fun year!!!
¡Vamos todos a celebrar un año muy divertido!!!
We are so happy to begin our Language Arts Literacy Reading Scholastic Program!
We will be learning about various themes
In math....count..count and count! Practice counting with your child. Count how many steps on a staircase, how many cars parked on the street, how many buttons on their shirts...the idea is to have as many opportunities to practice counting.
In our Connect Ed. Math Program we will explore measurement and length, shapes, sorting objects, and we will have a lot of fun counting!
Please continue reading to your child and asking questions about the story. This will stimulate and create language experiences that will become very beneficial for their reading and comprehension development.
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A few rainy day activities: practice your phone number and address and learn to tie your shoes. Practice counting to 100. Read a book and talk about the illustrations to a favorite stuffed animal!
Please send a complete change of uniform clothes to school in a marked bag. We will store these in the classroom in the event of any accidents. This will also save you time in having to bring clean clothes to school in an emergency.
Also please remember to join our Class Dojo, where you will receive weekly academic and school information.