• A Language Rich Home
    kids cook  
    Good News: Strong lanaguage skills can make your child a better reader, writer, and all around student.
    Great News: You can build these skills just by talking to your child.
    Try these ideas:
    • Narrate everyday activities like driving or cooking. Hearing unfamiliar words in conversationswill help your youngster understand words in books ("Please hand me the colander so I can drain the spaghetti"). Tip: If your child does not know the word, expalin: "This is a colander. Water drains through the holes."


    • Encourage your child to join family conversations. Ask them questions to help expand on their answers. ("Why do you think so?" "What else happened?" Your child will learn to talk about events and give their opinions.
     mom daughter talk

    Our Mission:

    The Long Branch Public Schools are committed to celebrating diversity and embracing uniqueness. Our mission is to educate, develop, and support every student to become successful community members in a rapidly changing world. Our vision is to empower our students socially, emotionally, and academically, for life and career in an inclusive, dynamic, and innovative learning environment from PreK thru 12th grade and beyond. 


     Our Goal:

    Preschool Literacy: By the end of the 4 year old preschool term, children are encouraged and expected to recognize familiar sounds in words. This standard and skill will be assessed throughout the year through hands-on activities, writing experiences, and the writing benchmark tasks. According to the developmental stages of writing or Dynamic Writing Assessment, by June 2022, 70% of the 4 year old students will be in the Phonetic stage by using letters for all or almost beginning sounds in spoken words. 70% of the 3 year old students will be in the Random Letters Stage where children begin to form letters randomly without any sound/symbol connection. Pictures, which is another form of writing, provides visual information of students’ comprehension of the writing task.
    Preschool Math:  In preschool math, the goal is to help children develop a sense of math around them, to notice and use numbers, and to use math concepts to explore their world. The 4 year old students will be given a preschool standard based assessment to gain knowledge of their number sense skills such as: rote counting, number recognition, counting with one-to-one correspondence, comparing quantities, cardinality of numbers, conservation of numbers, and subitizing.  By May 2022, 70% of the 4 year old students will score 65% (17 out of 26) or higher on the preschool standard based assessment.
    Kindergarten Literacy: Implementing the Scholastic Reading Program during the reading block while infusing a Structured Literacy Phonics approach. Three times a year, the children will be assessed on their encoding skills using the Scholastic Developmental Word Inventory assessment. This assessment provides visible information on students’ ablility to showcase sound-symbol correspondences, sound discrimination, placement of sounds in words, and words that contain meaning. By May 2022, 70% of all students will be able to encode 7 out of the 10 words from the Scholastic Developmental Word Inventory assessment.
    Kindergarten Math: By May 2022, through the use of the I-Ready Program results, 70% of the students in kindergarten will meet or exceed the Projected Growth Goal as measured by the 2021- 2022 I-Ready Diagnostic.