Morris Avenue Early Childhood Learning Center

Together We Can, Juntos Nós Podemos, Juntos Podemos

Morris Avenue Early Childhood Learning Center

  • Morris Avenue, ECLC Emblem

    Morris Avenue, Early Childhood Learning Center 

    “Together We Can, Juntos Nós Podemos, Juntos Podemos”

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    LBPS Early Childhood Vision & Mission:


    “Long Branch Public School Early Childhood Vision is to establish a community of knowledgeable and supportive adults who provide excellent education to young children in our community through equitable learning opportunities to prepare them for college and career leading to lifelong learning and responsible citizenship.”


    Long Branch Public School Early Childhood is committed to providing a high-quality early education in a safe, nurturing and inclusive environment that effectively supports the diverse needs of children and families in our community. Educators implement a researched-based curriculum, aligned to state standards, that encourages children to develop social competence, effective problem solving skills, and an enthusiasm for learning.


    Morris Avenue Flyer

    Please click HERE for the updated Student Dress Code 

    Please click HERE for the updated Parent involvement Policy

    Please click HERE for Parents Right to Know-Title 1 information

    HIB Grade Report



    2024-2025 School Hours



    Half Day 9:20-1:15

    Delayed Opening depends on phone calls: 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hour delayed openings


    Breakfast 8:20

    Instruction 8:40-3:20

    Half Day 8:40-1:15

    Delayed Opening depends on phone calls: 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hour delayed openings


    Character Counts at Morris Avenue ECLC!

    Mr Johnson
    We Are All Super Friends! 
     A Message from Mr. Johnson


    Here at Morris Avenue, children are Caught Being Good! Teachers are on the lookout for Super Friends in their classroom.  Every week a child in each class will be chosen to be the classroom Super Friend based on his/her actions for that week.  Teachers will be looking for children who are compassionate, helpful and respectful. We celebrate positive behaviors and teach children to treat others the way they would like to be treated. Your children have been learning through different stories and assemblies how important it is to use kind words and how to calm down when they are feeling angry.
    "You make the world a better place by making
    yourself a better person."
    Scott Sorrell
    I hope this year is the best one yet!
    Matthew E. Johnson, Principal

    Morris Ave Goes Green!

    Help us by sending in plastic bags and wrapping from groceries and household items.

    Click HERE to see what it's all about!

     Check out our Long Branch Youtube Channel

    Green Wave Highlights

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