• Helping Children Learn           

    Mrs. Basile is the Librarian/Media Specialist at Amerigo A. Anastasia School (Grades 1 – 5), JMF EarlyChildhood Education Center (Kindergarten) , and previously at the Lenna W. Conrow School (Grades K-2).  She has held this position for 24 years.  Prior to that, Mrs. Basile was a First Grade Teacher and a Grade 3 Basic Skills Instructor.

                Mrs. Basile is an avid reader who wishes to share her love of books with students and staff.  She reads both bound print material and e-books.  She feels that there is a place for reading both formats as we embrace 21st Century Learning and beyond.
                She maintains a library containing vast information about many subjects.  She works with students to help them use books, reference materials, periodicals and the internet to enrich their lives and academic careers. Mrs. Basile is also excited to announce new technology in our Makerspace at AAA!

                Mrs. Basile is a student advocate.
      She is a member of the SEL Committee, and Anti-Bullying Committee.  She believes all students have a right to a safe learning environment free from bullying and discrimination of any kind in accordance with the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights Article 5, A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.”
       Mrs. Basile believes all things are possible, even what seems impossible at the time.  She works with all students to dream, attempt and achieve.  She is guided by author Lewis Carroll’s quote from Alice in Wonderland, “Sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”