Welcome To Our Online Classroom
Name: Elisa Perez
School: AAA
Class / Grade: 2nd Grade
Welcome to Room 215
Contact Information-
School #: (732) 571-3396
Miss Perez
Room 215
2nd Grade-Teacher
Please check this website regularly for updates, important information, homework, pictures, and much more!
Just a few reminders....
- Please check your child's folder daily. I will be sending important flyers and homework home each day. Please fill out any forms that are sent home and return them the next day.
- Please visit our Class Dojo Story to tack your child's AWESOME behavior!
- Our school day is from 7:50am-2:30 pm. It is important you child comes to school every day to ensure them staying up to speed.
- I am here to help your child and you! Please feel free to contact me via email, Class Dojo, note, or at 732-571-3396.
Student Handbook Link
I look forward to an AMAZING year!