This is my 6th year in the Long Branch School District. 
    I did my undergradute work at Rutgers University.

    I received my Masters degree from Monmouth University.

    I am also a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), and I did my coursework at Penn State.
    My birthday is November 14.
    I have 2 sisters and 1 brother.
    I am Italian and German.
    My favorite color is pink.
    My favorite food is french fries.
    My favorite book is Let Me Hear Your Voice by Catherine Maurice.
    My favorite movie is The Blind Side.
    My favorite TV show is American Idol.
    My favorite animal is the koala.
    My favorite website is Google.
    My favorite store is Macy's.
    My favorite video game is Tetris.
    My favorite board game is Apples to Apples.
    My favorite sport to play is soccer.
    My favorite sport to watch is football.
    My favorite football teams (in order) are: Saints, Ravens, Eagles, Jets.