COVID 19 is a newly discovered corona virus (corona meaning the virus is shaped like a crown). It is in the same family of viruses that cause the common cold. Some of the symptoms of COVID 19 are runny nose, headache, cough, fever, sore throat, body aches, feeling tired. In more severe cases, or in people who have underlying health issues, shortness of breath, blood clots and even death can occur. Since the symptoms of COVID 19 (frequently referred to as "the corona virus") can be confused with the flu, allergies or a common cold, it is important to speak with your school nurse if you or someone in your family is/are experiencing any of these symptoms. Please DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD INTO SCHOOL if your child or someone in the household is experiencing any of these symptoms. When in doubt, please call the school nurse and your personal healthcare provider for guidance. We also ask that you not give your child fever reducing medication and send them into school. Not only does this mask symptoms, but your child may be infected with COVID 19 and it puts other students and staff at risk for contracting the virus. The information on this virus is constantly changing and the Long Branch School District takes our guidance from the Long Branch Department of Health as well as the Centers for Disease Control. Your school nurse and the board of health can assist you in finding free corona virus testing if you need.
Please reference the following videos for additional information:
The World Health Organization explains how the virus is thought to be transmitted (updated 6/10/2021)
Yale University/New Haven health discuss the similarities between COVID 19 and seasonal allergies (Updated 6/10/2021)
Johns Hopkins University physicians discuss some of the similarities between the flu and COVID 19 (updated 6/10/2021)