Medical Forms
Please click on the green links below to access the forms. Haga clic en los enlaces verdes a continuación para acceder al formulario.
Allergy Action Plan - This form is to be completed when a student has a life threatening allergy that requires emergency medication (Epinephrine)
Asthma Action Plan - This form is to be completed when a student has a diagnosis of asthma that requires medication.
Plan de Accion Para el Asma- Este formulario debe usarse cuando un estudiante tiene asma y requiere medicacion.
Seizure Action Plans | Epilepsy Foundation- This form is to be completed when a student has a seizure disorder.
Plan DE Accion Para Crisis Epilepticas; Este formulario debe usarse cuando un estudiante tiene un trastorno convulsivo.
10th grade Physical Exam form - English
10th grade Physical Exam Form- Spanish
4th grade Physical Exam Form Information & Health form (click on your school name)
GLCatrambone Gregory AAAnastasia
Universal Health Record (Physical form for PreK and Kindergarten)
Permission to Give Medication in School - This form is to be completed when a student is required to receive medication at school. It must be filled out by the parent and the doctor/healthcare provider.
Sports Physical Form- English This form is to be completed by student athletes and their doctor.
Sports Physical Form- Spanish - Imprima tambien el formulario in ingles para llevarlo a su medico
Sports Health Update Form
Consent for Tylenol- English (High School Students ONLY)
Consent for Tylenol /Consentimiento para Tylenol - Spanish (Solo estudiantes de secundaria)