



    Each child enrolling in school must present documentation of New Jersey State required immunizations or a valid medical or religious exemption to vaccines before beginning school.  No child shall be admitted to school unless he/she has completed the required vaccines or has been granted provisional status.  If a student is new to the district, state or country, there may be additional immunizations that are required (for example a test for tuberculosis is often required for students coming from certain countries). In addition to several vaccines when a child is entering preschool and elementary school, there are two additional vaccines that are required when a student is entering 6th grade (Tdap and Meningitis).  Please also note that a flu shot is required for any child under age 5. It is very important to get vaccines when they are due.  Failure to receive vaccines may result in exclusion from school.   If there are any questions on immunization requirements, please reach out to the individual school nurse. 


    Information on required immunizations can be found at 

    NJ State Immunization Requirements grades K-12

    NJ State Immunization Requirements for Preschool


    If you do not have health insurance and your child needs an immunization, the Monmouth County Health Department does provide free immunizations.  Information can be found at Monmouth Resources  For general information on Long Branch services (medical and other services), please visit, Long Branch Resources


    The Monmouth Family Health Center (MFHC) also provides immunizations and works on a sliding scale if a client does not have insurance.  More information can be found at: www.mfhcnj.org