Phone: 732-571-6670


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Datre

Hello! My name is Mrs. Rachel Datre. I am delighted to continue teaching Preschool at Morris Avenue this year! This is my tenth year teaching in the Longbranch district and my eighteenth year as a teacher in early childhood. I am very pleased, Ms. Courtney Braun, will be our class Instructional Assistant this year. We are thrilled to be working together with your children and watching them grow in so many ways. We look forward to an exciting and rewarding year with our wonderful class and families. 


** Please check the Morris Ave School Story/ClassDojo often for our important events, daily happenings, and our frequent photos, where you can get a snapshot at what our class is busy exploring in the classroom. **  


Here's a bio of me:

*  Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education and Psychology at Queens College
    Master's in Early Childhood and Children's Literature at Queens College
*   P-3 and K-5 Certification 
*   Taught grades Pre-K - 2nd in Queens/Manhattan and Preschool in Longbranch
My Family:
My husband, our two children, and pet dog
What is the role of the teacher?

Author Unknown

The early childhood teacher holds several roles.

The teacher must love all of her children and treat them as equal but special individuals, thus she is a mother.

The teacher must ask thought provoking questions and encourage

exploration and investigation, thus she is a scientist.

The teacher must sing loud and proud, even if she cannot carry a tune, thus she is a musician.

The teacher must run, hop, jump, skip, and tumble with the children, thus she is a gymnast.

The teacher must share accounts of far away lands and imaginary people, thus she is a storyteller.

The teacher must bandage scraped knees and kiss "ouchies", thus she is a nurse.

The teacher must give words of encouragement, louder and stronger than anyone thought possible, thus she is a cheerleader.

The teacher must listen with open ears and an empathetic heart, thus she is a friend.

The teacher does not entertain, dictate, police, referee, lecture, demolish, or judge.

The teacher is a facilitator, enables, questioner, encourager, organizer, nurturer, backer, advocator, and supporter.

The early childhood teacher holds several roles, each different in action, but equal in importance.

To teach is to touch a life forever. That is what the most important role of the teacher is.