The Challenge and Achievement Programs both share space in the Long Branch Public Schools Annex Building. Challenge is the eighth grade component of the program, and Achievement is the High School component. Both are transitional programs for students who have experienced difficulty in academic areas and in dealing with authority. Students recommended for the Challenge/Achievement Program also have excessive absences and fail to thrive in traditional academic settings. The goal of the Challenge/Achievement Program is to aid students through the use of counseling and supportive services in obtaining academic success and improving social and behavioral skills so they can return to mainstreamed classes within a year. Each classroom of eleven students has a certified teacher, a paraprofessional, and a counselor. A very successful component of this program is the Level of Privilege Incentive. Students are assessed on a daily basis for attendance, punctuality, behavior and academics and their ability to be positive role models to other students. There is a weekly recognition, and students are rewarded through educational trips, recreational activities and group celebrations