• Educational Links
    Use these links to help your child with his/her third grade education.
    All sites listed on this page will be explored during the school year.  
    **Scholastic Reading apps (F.I.R.S.T. W.O.R.D & Literacy Pro) are accessible through your child's Backpack via Google Classroom.***
    www.spellingcity.com - Weekly spelling words that correspond with stories read in class are posted on this site so that students can practice phonics/spelling skills.
    www.kidbiz3000.com - Online past and current news articles are accessible to students here.  Students can login to the site using passwords distributed in the classroom.  News articles and corresponding activities are aligned with individual student ability levels.
    http://www.typingweb.com - This web-based typing site is designed to help students enhance their keyboarding skills. Students can visit an online typing tutorial called “typingweb” to help them prepare for the PARCC online assessment.
    http://parcc.pearson.com/practice-tests/english/  - ELA PARCC practice tests. These tests will assist in developing student proficiency with the online tools.
    http://connected.mcgraw-hill.com/school/g3w3 - This link will bring students to the Treasures reading program that is used daily in our classroom.  Students can read stories and practice skills that are being learned in class.