Welcome To My Online Classroom
Name: Miss. Miller
School: Academy of Alternative Programs
Class / Grade: 1-8 Physical Education
Welcome to my web page. I am looking forward to a great school year. Please remember your sneakers for gym!!!
During first marking period we will work on soccer, football and fitness skills. We will be in the fitness room two days a week using ellipticals, treadmills, rowers, weights and upper body sculpt machines to name a few once it is safe to do so. For now our workouts will consist of indivdual stretching on the basketball court outside.
Virtual learners continue to monitor Google Classroom for updates and assignments.
During second marking period, we will be working on skills that involve basketball, volleyball, golf and fitness. Fitness will consist of individual workouts outside on the basketball court.
Third marking period we will learn skills for pickleball, badminton, softball, and track along with continuing with our fitness regime.
Fourth marking period we will review all of our skills learned for our Field Days.