The Morris Avenue School provides a joyful place for children and a joyful place for learning. Our goal (and our district’s goal) is clear: to be recognized as the benchmark of excellence among New Jersey school districts. Our curriculum and instruction are aligned to the Common Core Standards and Common Core Curriculum Content Standards. Our teachers and staff provide motivating and challenging lessons that promote academic achievement, academic tenacity, and socio-emotional resiliency.
Leadership Magnet Program
The Morris Avenue School is home to the Leadership Magnet. This magnet will be explored through activities focused on community. Leaders throughout the community will be invited in to share in how they impact the community in positive ways!
Language Arts and Literacy
Here are some tips students can use to help them with their reading…
1. Pick a quiet place where you won’t be distracted, so you can really enjoy reading.
2. Be a detective and use your reading strategies. If you read something that doesn’t make sense, stop and use your clarifying strategies.
3. Try to bring a book with you wherever you go. You never know when you’ll have some extra time to read!
4. Read aloud to a friend or family member.
Parents/Guardians, checkout the U.S. Department of Education website for resources on how to help your child in reading.
Also, take a look at the Common Core State Standards that are being used to assess students in reading and writing...
Academic Vocabulary is a district initiative in grades 1 though 10 based in Robert Marzano’s Academic Vocabulary Research. Through this initiative, students will build their academic vocabulary as they form linguistic and non-linguistic understanding of terms and concepts in all content areas or their learning. Teachers will build off of student’s background knowledge and follow a six step approach to effective vocabulary instruction.
Everyday Mathematics, is a curriculum aligned with the common core state standards for students in Kindergarten through six grade. The Everyday Math curriculum provides students with multiple opportunities to learn concepts and practice skills. Across grade levels, concepts are taught, reviewed, and extended in varying instructional contexts. Students acquire knowledge, skills, and develop an understanding of mathematics from their own experience. Here at the Morris Avenue School, math is based in real life context and situations making it more meaningful and naturally encouraging students to become actively involved in the learning process.
Kindergarten Bilingual Education
The Bilingual Program creates a learning atmosphere in classrooms where student’s home language and culture are enriched, their English language proficiency is developed, and the academic content skills are introduced in the English language.
Bilingual students are engaged in several learning activities throughout the school day in order to become proficient in English and achieve success in our general program.
English as a Second Language instruction is another component in our daily program of instruction.
Family and Community Relationships
The Morris Avenue School encourages parents and families to come visit our school. We encourage parents and families to be a part of our social and academic committees. We believe that strong relationships with families and communities contribute to students’ academic achievements. Our Parent-Teacher Organization provides many activities for students, families, and community members throughout the day, after school, and on the weekends. Keep an eye out for our Fall Festivals, Book Fairs, Fundraiser Activities, Winter Wonderland, and Springfest. Our curriculum facilitators also organize many curriculum days and nights. Keep an eye out for our Second Cup of Coffee, held twice a year, where parents visit classrooms to see our Language Arts Literacy and Math programs. We also organize Family Fun Nights, where students and families can come and play games or read/create books. At Morris Avenue School, we are passionate about education and the academic success of every child!